Polyurethane Foam
PU Foam Sealant
good performances in
anti-freezing, anti-moisture,
noise-resistant, pu foam...
Product description
KNG polyurethane foam is a one component isolation and construction foam developed to make a seal between construction parts. The foam cures in response to humidity from air and from building materials. This versatile single component adaptor foam in aerosol cans is a practical solution for craftsmen who prefer to work without a PU Foam gun. Like all types of KNG foam the product combines excellent insulation characteristics with perfect adhesion on a wide range of substrates such as timber, brick, natural stone, concrete, plaster, metals and most plastics.
Joints between separation walls, ceiling and floors. Joints around transits of wires and piping through walls and floors. Perimeter joints around window and doorframes.
In general the foam has an excellent adhesion on concrete, brick, stone, plaster, wood, metal and many plastics like polystyrene foam, rigid PU foam and uPVC.
Technical Data
Curing time:
Adhesive strength:
Tensile strength:
Bending strength:
Compressive strength:
Open cells rate:
Oxygen index:
Permeate water volume:
0.3~1(no epidermis)/<0.1(with epidermis)
Not recommended for locations subject to continuous water immersion and not for filling secluded areas or joints wider than 4 cm. Wider joints and joints deeper then 5 cm are to be filled in multiple layers. Waiting time between applications 15-30 minutes. Before each application lightly spray with water. The foam surface has to be protected from UVlight. Cured foam can only be removed mechanically.
Surface preparation and finishing
Surfaces must be clean and free of grease. Surfaces to be made slightly damp with a flower spray. Shake aerosol 20 times very well before use. Protect eyes and wear gloves and working clothes. Tapestry, floor-covering and furniture to be covered with paper or plastic foil. Fresh foam can be removed directly with Purfoam cleaner, thinner or acetone. After curing the surplus of the foam can be removed with a knife or spatula and the foam surface can be worked off.
Available colour
white, other on request
300, 500, 600 en 750 ml tin aerosols with tube.
700 ml aluminium aerosols with plastic tube.
700 ml tin and aluminium aerosols with adapter for NBS-guns
Shelf Life and Storage
12 months stored in the original unopened containers between +5°C and +35°C.
Safety data sheets are available upon request.
KNG Sealants warrants that its product complies, within its shelf life, to its specification. The liability shall in no case exceed the amount fixed in our Conditions of Sale. In no event Den Braven Sealants is liable for any incidental or consequential damage.
All supplied information is the result of our tests and experience and is of general nature. However, they do not imply any liability. It is the responsibility of the user to verify by his own tests if the product is suitable for the application.
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